Friday, January 28, 2005


The water heater has arrived. It is backward in operation but will fill the bill. It is a 40 gal. tank that has a coil of corrigated and finned copper inside. The water in the outer tank is to be heated with a 5500 watt element or outside source (solar panels) and the heat is transfered to the coil which takes cold supply water and gives hot water at the faucet. Hooking the system to the solar panels will be straight forward and will be a unpressurized system (a small 12V pump will run from a photovoltaic panel) and at night the system will shut down to keep the water from cooling. On cloudy days or for a lot of hot water the electric element will take over.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Re-think the plan.

The work of the past two years has been heavy so I think it's time to re-assess the plan. The original time line included an addition to the west side of the bunker this spring and completion in the summer or 2006. So far there hasen't been time to really enjoy it.
The bunker itself now has water, sewer and electricity so I think it's time to make it a home and finish all of the little things that need to be done. I bought a nearly new refrigerator this week and some oak chairs and I need to finish the kitchen cabinets so for the next few trips we can work on finishing up.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Tuesday, January 25, 2005



Got a call today from the electric company. The box that I installed met their stringent codes and a meter would be installed as soon as I provided them with the providers work order. Never mind that the installer wouldn't be there without some sort of instruction from the provider. I have a feeling that we may go around and around like that tiger from long ago that turned into butter. (you have to be 60+ to know that one)
Later in the day I got a call that the meter was installed and all was well but that I should still try and get the paper work right.

Problem in Paradise

I've been operating everything at the bunker with a curious bunch of extention cords and jumpers from the temporary power pole. I spent a lot of time and put up a very expensive service drop called an all-in-one made by Square-D. I would run a jumper from the temporary to the drop and have almost all I needed for working in the bunker. When I finally called the electric service provider to move the meter and get rid of the temp they responded the same day. Then the problems began. The installer hadn't seen that type of breaker box (remember this is a Square D) and wouldn't swap the service. After checking with his boss it seems that the problem was not with the box itself but the meter socket. I needed "other than a ring type receptical", no problem, but then he called out a specific brand. This is a well known brand but in the city they haven't used this brand (no known reason) for years and I had to check with all of the suppliers to finaly find one. The one I found required me to size up the service and install a new breaker box. I moved the box into the bunker (the old/new one was outside) and this required me to drill a 4" hole through 24' of concrete. After drilling several hours in the cold I had the pleasure of trying to bend 3/0 wire to make two 90 degree turns. I gave up after I hit myself in the face with the free end. Next trip.
I still have to get the power company to put in the meter.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Service Box

Service Box

Tuesday, January 04, 2005



This is a church in New Mexico and it looks so good I may copy part of it for the addition. The false buttreses on either side of the door are a little much but the outline is what looks good me. The color is pretty good too.

Monday, January 03, 2005

A new year

2005 starts with a wimper. The weather is so nice it makes my tacklebox quiver. The bunker is coming together nicely. Next trip the electrical service entrance will go in and the kitchen will be closer to finished. The rest of the electrial will fall into place and we will start on the addition this spring. There is a large rockingchair in the garage in Austin and soon it will be on the porch and ready for my wide butt to position itself and start rocking. I only hope Barbara can time the hand-off of the martini glass to the speed of the rocking.