Saturday, August 25, 2012

Marking Time

The way things have been going I'm not sure when we'll make it back to the bunker. The last time we went we just stayed for the night and had to boggie back Austin to  take G'maw to the emergency room. She swore she had a shoulder out of joint or something. Nothing.

Driving through the neighborhood tonight I found one of the guys "cooling his wort". Sounds kind'a nasty don't it,  Well he was making beer and asked me to have a glass. WOW, better than the kind of stuff you find at the store. He's a tinkerer and has built a complete brewery on wheels and has a fermenting vat built into a freezer with a valve to save the yeast for the next batch. Go, Tony.

Scott and Shelby (the youngest grand daughter) flew down from Maryland for the XO and G'maw's birthdays. Really had a good time including the Roller Derby Saturday night. What a trip that was. These poor old eyes are not up to the number of really weird girls that were there and that's just the stands. The roller derby teams were just as weird and lots of fun.