OK, OK, may as well pay the ransom. Hard to explain why I've been AWOL for the past months. Nothing terrible, just nothing to talk about. The XO and I have had to to stay close because of her mother. G'Maw is 95 and you can't in your wildest imagination understand what that means unless you have been through it. We really need to make the trip and finish up some things.
I have been watching the weather this week and it looks like the bunker has had a bit of snow. Seems to happen around Christmas every year. John Wells down at Study Butte has pictures on his blog of how it hit him. Take some time and browse his site, he has built a minor empire in just over five years and he is a really nice guy.
Next big project for me is to set posts for a large carport on the West side. The materials have been laying there taunting me for years and its time to "get-er-done". I've got enough deep W aluminum roofing material to cover the total West side of the bunker out 20 feet. I installed the anchors last summer and all I need to do is raise the posts and install the cover. There are some more small jobs too but they'll have to wait.
We've been working on the bunker for 10 years now and in actual work days less than a year. Some week ends we could only work one day and at the most three days. But the place is livable and very comfortable and I long for the time I can spend more time there. I'm really amazed how the ten years has worn on me, I have noticed the last couple of years how my body is giving out. Natural I guess, my mind hasn't given up yet but over a glass of wine recently we talked about letting someone else have the place. We laughed when we tried to envision who would want it. It would have to be a major prepper or at least a do it yourself'er.