Monday, June 12, 2006

Playing with blocks

As you can see from the pictures above and below the wall is starting up. Each block weights about 500 pounds so the wall may take several trips to finish. These are the blocks that were cut to make the door and windows in the bunker. Had to do something with them so I am incorporating them into the gate posts. I am up to 40 inches, the blocks on top are just there for trial fits because I ran out of mortar. Barbara learned how to operate the crane (we call it Denny) and I guide the blocks into place. The pictures are after one very long day so if I hope to top it off at 7+ feet we will have to hustle. Another wall will be built over at the corner of the bunker to make the other side of the gate. The gate will be 12 feet wide and the nearest one to the bunker will have a 30 inch door in it so we can come and go into the courtyard more easily.
The crane is from a contractor that used it to build log homes and it will come in very handy when the addition starts up next year. It can lift a 3,000 lb load to 28 feet and can be towed behind a pickup. We bought it two years ago off ebay and a 16 ft trailer came with it and there are times, like the wall, where nothing else would do.

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