Coming up the hi-way from Alpine the mountains look extra green denoting lots of rain this summer. The temperature was around 100 at this point and by the time the
XO and I get to the bunker it should be 92 max with a good breeze. (It was).
The project for this trip is to get the patio ready to lay the
pavers. I have 6
yds of coarse sand coming up Friday afternoon and a Bobcat plus compactor set for morning. Ha, it worked out just that way and by dark the
XO had to be moved by brute force into the bunker and I was so shot I couldn't even have the
usual steak and red wine. We were in bed before 20:00 and just for the sleep. Morning came with the aching muscles and 4 or 5 hours left to finish so we got busy and Viola we
finished early and called the rental outfit to come get the tools. Early afternoon nap and the steak in the evening. nice weekend.