Don't look like much but this is six yards of sand laid over a compacted base of small gravel. Lots of work and plenty of raking but it will pay off.....Next trip.
“Republicans believe every day is 4th of July, but Democrats believe every day is April 15″
Hope you spread a tarp over that pretty sand bed, so it won't get whipped up in a wind storm, or washed out in a rain event. Nice job on the concrete tomb cabin interior and porch. I have a tin cabin on a bluff about 20 miles north of Terlingua that I try to get down to several times a year...from Fort Worth. Adios!
Don't remember how I found my way here, but I've read all your posts and looked at all the pics. Wonderful work making use of that old concrete bunker. Looking forward to seeing what you do next with the place.
Just me, checking in, so that we'll both know the other isn't dead. Your place is looking terrific. I can't believe how much work you've been able to accomplish working around your physical "challenges."
But did you ever think you'd have to drive from Austin to West Texas in order to see green grass?!
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