Friday, December 31, 2004

Christmas in Ft Davis

Christmas in Ft Davis
Originally uploaded by neillsmth.
This picture was taken from the driveway, about 10 feet down the hill. The driveway continues down to the road about 40 feet lower and 200 feet away. The rocks are part of a wall that runs West and hides the tunnel from the bunker. The trailers are up behind the bunker and the crain is out front ready to work.

Sagebrush Santa

Sagebrush Santa
Made from tumblweeds and cotton.
This is one of the old store fronts in "downtown" Ft Davis.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Paint test

DSCF0001.JPG copy
Originally uploaded by neillsmth.
Compare this with the artists remdering below. The color will be that between the window and door. The band around the bottom will be tinted more red.

ft davis art

ft davis art
Originally uploaded by neillsmth.
A visiting artist painted this and has it in a gallery in Austin. Looks a lot like the bunker but I'm sure its not. Still neat though. I will wait til we move in and hang the original on the wall