Monday, November 29, 2004

Working Inside

Drove out Thanksgiving night to wire the bedroom and mount the service panel. Many tight fits and small problems but we got it done and headed back Sat. night to beat the traffic. The service panel was made for underground service and I had to modify it slightly to accept overhead feed. The panel box only cost 23.00 on e-bay (thirty one to ship) but it is an all in one and worth much more. The next trip we will complete the wiring and all that will be left is installing the kitchen cabinets.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Bunker Roof


The roof was built up by adding concrete blocks at the corners and metal trusses for spanish tile mansard. The steel ladder leaning against the back wall is the ladder from the hatch.

Monday, November 08, 2004

The bedroom

(no subject)

Bringing Home the Silver Twinkie

Because of the cold weather and snow we took a quick trip Sat to pick up the Airstream. It's been sitting there two years so I had to do a little maintenance to get it off the hill. The batteries were up because of the solar panels and I found THE problem with the air bags (the vent line was plugged by some sort of varmit). I did discover a flat tire and that is a job. It did have to be a rear inner. That fixed we watched the Longhorns beat O State in a very exciting game and spent another night in the bunker.
The trip back to Austin was uneventful. A lot of deer hunters on the road but the Moho ran well untill about 50 mles out. Plugged fuel filter I guess. It ran worse and worse the rest of the trip and backing it into the back yard was tricky because it was running so bad. Now I have to fix it before I can use it.

Monday, November 01, 2004

First nighter

Spent the first night in the bunker. Very quet.
The weather changed quickly this weekend. No snow that we know of but the temp dropped to 28 with a high in the 30's. All that concrete is like a big heatsink and the inside stays pretty constant. We didn't winterize the airstream though so that may be a problem. I think I'll go get it Saturday. All of the electrical will go in Thanksgiving and the plumbing is finished so it will be liveable. The addition will be started in the spring.