Thursday, February 08, 2007

Back to the keyboard

Posting has been light (non-existant) for the past few months. Problems on the home front involving the "C" word and an unrelated knee replacement. The knee is still to be done but it's going to to happen.
The knee blew while running across the Houston airport to catch a flight to Guadalahara on Christmass day. We turned around and went home and I've been on crutches ever since. Tomorrow I will see the bone doc and schedule the replacement. I tried to avoid the new knee but I just can't get rid of the pain so it has to be.
The other problem has been in the works since September when a major jump in the precursor caused a mild panic and really messed up my fall. After seeing several Dr.'s and many more tests we scheduled the surgery for the 15th of January. I opted for a high-dose radiation procedure and it involved the inplanting of 16 Very long hollow needles into which a cable with a radioactive tip would be inserted and left for varing lenghts of time. This was to happen four times over two days. No one took the weather into account though and with the ice storm hittng that day we had to do two treatments on the 15th and re-implant the following Monday with two more tratments. It will be a few months before we know if it took but the Dr. is positive and so am I. I'll be 100% before you know it and get back to work on the bunker.

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